12 Journal Prompts to Jumpstart Your Self-Improvement Journey

During these times of staying home and continuing to social distance yourself, we all have an opportunity to reflect on how life has changed for us. In a previous post, I shared how one of the morning rituals I will carry on when life returns to ‘“normal” is a daily journaling habit.  

The question asked of me the most when suggesting to someone that they start a journal is, “What do I write?” If you’ve never captured your thoughts on paper (or electronic device) before, the task may just sound more like hard work than a way to relieve stress. On the other hand, maybe you’ve journaled before but now find yourself in a rut, penning the same pessimistic thoughts over again each day. 

When you journal, it’s simple to get caught up on the negative events that cause anxiety. But a way to help overcome that fear and anxiety is to focus on gratitude and the wisdom that life’s experiences have given you. There are no right or wrongs when it comes to journaling, but I encourage you to turn journaling into a journey of self-discovery. Use it as a tool for self-care and improvement.

Here’s a list of journal prompts to get you started on your self-improvement journey:

  1. Make a list of 20 things that make you smile.
  2. List 5 things you love about your life and why.
  3. List the things that make you feel loved and the ways that you show love.
  4. If I could talk to my teenage self, this is what I would say.
  5. Reminisce on one of the best days of your life and reflect on what things about that day made it so great.
  6. Think about one non-physical thing you would love to improve about yourself and ways you could take baby steps to get it done.
  7. Write out your bucket list.
  8. Write about what you have learned from your biggest mistakes.
  9. Write about a topic you need to learn about that you think would help you have a more fulfilling life. (Take this one step further and research it.)
  10. Write about a difficult situation that you overcame and how it made you stronger and wiser.
  11. Make a list of people that you are grateful for having in your life (past and present) and how they each impacted you.
  12. List 10 of your best qualities and how they make you a superstar in your life.

Have you been journaling or have found other ways of reducing anxiety? Share your ideas with us on the socials or leave a comment. We’d love to hear from you.

Written by Jay